Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Inspired by this site, http://350seattle.org/calendars/ , we hyere at Lansing Climate Action are working to bring you a calendar of all the Midwest climate events going on, plus a few ally events. We want to increase the amount of time spent working on solving the climate problem, and connecting with others who are also working to effectively and positively make the world a better place. We also want to make sure that you and others know about what's being done towards that end, and when/where/how to plug in. Feel free to make suggestions, pitch your own/others' events, etc. Salud.

[Yes, we know it's starting off a little skeletal and Michigan and/or Lansing-heavy to begin with, but this is where you come in-- let us know what places/events we've missed, how you'd like the user interface improved, etc., and we'll get this list populated and even more accessible than it currently is quickly. Pitches can be made at facebook.com/lansing350 (ideal), (530)719-7245, or lansing350@hotmail.com (this one is the least likely to get checked, but we'll start checking in on it more often now.)]


24 --

25 (Ally event) --


26 -- facebook.com/events/398774547243782 (Might be full. Talk with organizers to see if you can still get in, if you'd like to.)

31 --

31 -- See calendar below for other fossil free fast viewing locations.



13 -- Lansing Citizens' Climate Lobby's next group meeting -- 7 PM. Contact facebook.com/profile.php?id=679548932096928 for location.

21 --










Here is a fancier calendar, at least in structure. MSU Green Alliance has all their events here at the moment, and we just got the basic details for January's other climate/ally related events here, so far.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Our Day Against Denial event is tomorrow!

Check it out!




Wednesday, August 10, 2016


We like to remain non-partisan, but we also need to call it as we see it. Including three of the bigger third party platforms, we seem to find that the worst platform this year for addressing and even acknowledging the threat of climate change comes from the Republican party. Now, not everyone in the party needs to follow that platform, of course, but too many sitting congressional Republicans do. Younger and actually most non-congressional Republicans do tend to seem far keener to acknowledge and want to find solutions to this issue, but these people thus far are not very heavily represented as official members of Congress, even at the state level.

If you are a Republican concerned about climate change, push your elected officials to come up with solutions to this issue. Become a climate voter, and let people know that if you don't vote for them, this will be the reason why. Organize others to follow in your example. Republicans have shown time and again that they do tend to be more adept at organizing at the state and local levels than the Left is. This is at least partially why many governments on that level tend to be strongly and (to some observers) surprisingly Republican.

How well we address our currently accelerating pace of climate change will reveal how interested we really are in seeing our species prosper and grow for the longest amount of time, and reach its highest possible heights.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Our next downtown Lansing CADL library meeting is currently planned for August 27, 4-5 PM.

In August we might put together some handbills a la 350 Chicago's style and distribute them throughout the college areas as students, visitors, and more come back to these (potentially) corruptive institutions of economic empowerment and well-being. Get hype!!!!

Interested in pushing your institution to divest from fossil fuels? This link should be able to help you out! -- https://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/near?category=&location%5Bquery%5D=48912&location%5Blatitude%5D=42.7376689&location%5Blongitude%5D=-84.51697569999999&location%5Bstreet_number%5D=&location%5Bstreet%5D=&location%5Blocality%5D=Lansing&location%5Bpostal_code%5D=48912&location%5Bregion%5D=MI&location%5Bcountry%5D=US&location%5Bvenue%5D=

Hope all is well, everyone, and if it's not, then here's to making things better! As noted mathematician John Mayers once Sayid at the international conference of Math Addicts-- "Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will live like you do. Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers, so mothers, be good, to your daughters, too. So mothers, be good, to your daughters, too." Merry Christmas, everyone! 😃!

Monday, July 25, 2016

There's a trend among cities to compete for who can get to 100% renewable energy the fastest. Grand Rapids has set a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2020 (http://grcity.us/enterprise-services/officeofenergyandsustainability/Pages/Energy.aspx). Lansing should not be left behind. Greener communities are happier and healthier communities (https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=greener%20communities%20are%20happier%20and%20healthier and/or https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=greener+communities+are+happier+and+healthier&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C23&as_sdtp=). Happier and healthier people are more productive. The transition to a less polluting lifestyle will take much work and effort, but this is fantastic for jobs overall and for any economy that tries to tackle it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Hi, everybody! Here's our current non-Facebook, non-Meetup webpage! Our e-mail address is lansing350@hotmail.com, and our events for this month are

Going to the March for Clean Energy in Philadelphia, July 24th, from the very beginning (midnight) to the end of the day.

And a get-together on July 23rd from 4-5 PM at the CADL Downtown Lansing Library to put together signs and get ready for the march and the journey.

If any of these dates and times don't work for you, let us know, and we might be able to alter our schedule to accommodate you. If you'd like to help out with organizing for any of these events, or with anything else, let us know! Thanks!